United Armed Forces Conglomerate
United Armed Forces Conglomerate
Established in 2018, the United Armed Forces Conglomerate (UAFC) has established itself as a force to be reckoned with. The UAFC conducts combat operations within the Xbox GTA Online and Arma Reforger MILSIM communities.
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What WE DO
Since before 2018, the UAFC and it’s predecessor’s revolutionized the MILSIM experience on GTA Online. By blending realistic tactic and procedure into the sandbox of GTA Online, the UAFC accomplishes it’s mission of providing a compelling and immersive experience. Our organization strives to maintain professionalism through the entire spectrum of operations. From small scale training to large scale combat operations, you will find purpose in the UAFC.
All members are held to a high standard. A chain of command exists, and all members are expected to respect their leadership. Leadership lead using positive qualities. Discipline enables the UAFC to complete objectives.
No matter where you go in the UAFC, you have a distinct career track which allows you to realize your goals. Promotion and progression within your field are prioritized as you take your journey within the UAFC.
Working together with others is very rewarding. Hard objectives are rarely completed alone, so all member’s work together to achieve more. You will work with other’s to realize a collective goal.